Ghost Research

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ghost Research

Hello, surfers. Anyone familiar with a newspaper story of a poltergeist that was allegedly harassing a family living in a house in Braddell Road, Singapore? This happened sometime in the 1970s. I remember reading the newspaper article, which even published a photograph of four visitors standing at the entrance of the house: a Hindu priest, a Catholic priest, a Thai black magic practitioner and either a Taoist priest or Buddhist monk. I have carried out searches at the National Library, by going thru microfilm records of the various English language newspapers. However, microfilm record of the Singapore Post [ceased publication sometime in the 80s] is not available for the period prior to 1980 and this could have been the newspaper that published the story.
Please contact me if you are familiar with this story/incident and are able to provide info to assist me in my research. With best regards.

Richard Woo
